Think again.
Rockin' Green is a line of eco-friendly, all-natural detergents.
Biological residues (AKA all the nasties in sweat) work their way into technical fabrics while you workout — and even the strongest detergents, if not formulated to do so, can't wash that funk out of the high-tech, complex fibers in your favorite activewear.
Made with a specifically chosen broad-spectrum blend that removes stains and odors from fat, protein, & starch.
No harsh toxins or chemicals here. Just all-natural ingredients that work hard to get your clothes truly clean.
Formulated to break down funk without damaging your gear. That's right, your expensive Lulu leggings are safe.
It's like a detox for your clothes! I am officially grossed out. No wonder I couldn't get the smell out. You can see the dirt and crap in the water.
Have you ever started to smell funky just a few minutes into your workout - even though you put on CLEAN activewear? That's because your clothes aren't really clean... Biological residues can get locked in the technical fibers of your activewear, and your typical everyday, chemical-filled detergent can't get it out. Ammonia in our sweat activates the stench in those leftover residues and causes the embarassing odors you smell the next time you're wearing those "clean" clothes. Only the eco-friendly power of Platinum Series Active Wear detergent can unclog those fabrics and have your activewear smelling new again.
Naturally anti-bacterial Tea Tree Oil kills germs that linger deep in the cloth fibers. Plus, this essential oil is clean rinsing — so after the wash, all you'll smell is clean, fresh laundry.
© 2019 Rockin' Green. All rights reserved
4444 South Boulevard,
Charlotte, NC 28209, USA
I've been adding it to every load of laundry this week and everything smells FRESH. Seriously, buy it.
I'm floored.
Unlike traditional detergents, Platinum Series Active Wear is made with ingredients that not only clean your clothes, but extend the life of your favorite gear. Workout clothes aren't cheap — don't toss them because they stink!
You only need one tablespoon per load! Platinum Series Active Wear detergent is super concentrated to give you the most bang for your buck. Each bag can wash 90 loads in an HE machine and 45 loads in a traditional washer.
Think again.